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Bowling Leagues are now forming
Cedars III Bowling Center
Circle B Recreation Center
Harbor Hills Recreation Center
The following leagues have openings for the 2023-24 season:
Circle B:
- Tuesday Legion, 6:30 pm, 4 person teams
- Tuesdsay 2 man , 9:30 pm, 2 person teams
- Wednesday Businessmen, 6:30 pm, 4 person teams
- Thursday men's handicap league, 6:30 pm, 3 person teams
Cedars III:
- Tuesday afternoon women's, 5 pm, 2 person teams
- Wednesday morning ladies,9 am
- Thursday senior league, 1 pm
Harbor Hills:
- Wednesday women's league, 6:30 pm, 4 person teams
- Wednesday mixed league (short season), 2 person teams
- Thursday men's league, 6:30 pm, 5 person teams
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